Northview Network Leadership Series - Mike Lyon

Northview Network Leadership Series - Mike Lyon

When you think of helpful advice when starting in ministry you more than likely think that it would be given from a close friend, maybe a mentor, or maybe a pastor. On my journey to serve in ministry I did receive great nuggets of advice from all of these people and if we’re being honest from a few people who felt it was their mission to make sure I knew their opinion good or bad.

Other Blog Posts

December 29, 2023

Finding Purpose In Your Calling

Martha Olawale

When we talk about the exploits of God through Moses, we often forget the people God surrounded him with to help him fulfill God’s call on His life. Even though God was committed to winning the battle against the Amalekites, there was a condition attached to the victory that required the help of Aaron and Hur. With a guaranteed win is a weary hand; for that hand to stay lifted, Moses needed these two men.
December 8, 2023

A Network Church Story: The Chapel

Martha Olawale

If you visit The Chapel Church on a Sunday morning, you might hear the statement, “Come alive” a few times before you leave. This is not just random; it is a belief that runs at the core of what the Church stands for. According to Pastor Anthony Taylor, the Student Ministry Pastor, to come alive means experiencing a revival that is not restricted to a tent but a constant occurrence within every believer walking with Jesus. He explains that coming alive should be recurring for Christians because it should speak directly to our growth and how we die daily to become more like Christ.
November 24, 2023

A Network Church Story: Christian Fellowship Church

Martha Olawale

Founded in 1974 by Pastor David Niednagel, Christian Fellowship Church has been a stable rock for the Evansville, Indiana community. The Church has continued to grow and flourish, rising above the challenge of having four hundred and fifty people show up instead of the expected fifty for its first gathering. Since that gathering at the University of Southern Indiana Campus, Christian Fellowship Church continues to experience steady growth and welcomes about two thousand adults for Church services today.
November 15, 2023

A Network Church Story: South Union Christian Church

Martha Olawale

Nestled in the outskirts of Bloomington, Indiana, South Union Christian Church has a history of being a local Church for the people in the community, with over 75 years of rich experiences in connecting people by reaching the lost for Christ and enriching Christians, the Church's continuous growth does not come without dedication to the cause of the Kingdom. Each Sunday service at the Church welcomes people from surrounding cities weekly.
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