Northview Network Leadership Series - Brett Wilson

Northview Network Leadership Series - Brett Wilson

I've gotten all kinds of great ministry advice, but for my life in ministry, the best advice I was ever given, came on the very first day of that summer internship in Doug Newhouse's office. He sat me down and asked what resources I had accumulated in my first year at Bible college. Looking back, my answer was comical. My mom had bought me a new Bible, a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and an Unger's Bible Dictionary to take with me to school. That was it. That was pretty much all I had. Doug looked at me and said, "Brett, ministry is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever try to do in your life. I know you love Jesus, and you have a heart to help people, but that's not enough. You need the right tools. You need resources. One of the best thing you can do to be successful in ministry is to gather great resources."

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October 1, 2024

Northview Network Leadership Series - Brett Wilson

Brett Wilson

I've gotten all kinds of great ministry advice, but for my life in ministry, the best advice I was ever given, came on the very first day of that summer internship in Doug Newhouse's office. He sat me down and asked what resources I had accumulated in my first year at Bible college. Looking back, my answer was comical. My mom had bought me a new Bible, a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and an Unger's Bible Dictionary to take with me to school. That was it. That was pretty much all I had. Doug looked at me and said, "Brett, ministry is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever try to do in your life. I know you love Jesus, and you have a heart to help people, but that's not enough. You need the right tools. You need resources. One of the best thing you can do to be successful in ministry is to gather great resources."
September 1, 2024

Northview Network Leadership Series - Mike Lyon

Mike Lyon

When you think of helpful advice when starting in ministry you more than likely think that it would be given from a close friend, maybe a mentor, or maybe a pastor. On my journey to serve in ministry I did receive great nuggets of advice from all of these people and if we’re being honest from a few people who felt it was their mission to make sure I knew their opinion good or bad.
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Northview Network Leadership Series - Joseph Antley

Joseph Antley

It was the summer of 2012. I had just graduated with a degree in Bible & Theology and had accepted a Student Pastor position. I was confident and expecting to see God shake our community. It was time for our first student service, and I needed the message to be perfect. I spoke on the Biblical mandate and spiritual/emotional necessity for community. I began with the Trinity and meticulously worked my way through the entirety of scripture. To my surprise, I received nothing but blank stares from the students and questions of confusion from the small group leaders. I quickly realized that I didn’t know everything I thought I knew about ministry and would need some help. I needed to be reminded of some things and I needed someone who could coach me. Here are a few of the best tools I was given.
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Northview Network Leadership Series - Jason Berry

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The Parable of the Great Banquet is both haunting and instructional. It appears that “VIP Seating” has been around for a LONG time! Our current culture is not the only culture that has wrestled with issues like Influence, Honor, Competition, Achievement and Clout.
June 1, 2024

Northview Network Leadership Series - Greg Pratt

Greg Pratt

“What Has Been The Most Helpful Advice You Were Given When You Started In Ministry?” That’s an important question because such advice can mean the difference between washing out or enjoying a lifelong ministry. With that in mind, let me share three words of advice that have positively impacted my ministry throughout the years.
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