Less is More

Less is More

Today we often don’t face the challenges of living without the basic necessities but instead face the reality of ‘too much/many.’ Too many things, too much pressure from the world around us, and too much self-fulfillment. All of these things combine to create a life distracted from what is essential in our lives as followers of Jesus and difficulties in our pursuit of the Lord. What would it look like if we took on the mentality that less of these things mentioned above results in more of what truly matters – eternity and Jesus? In this 3-week series, we explore with our students some ways to rid ourselves of the desire for more, the desire to belong to the world and be accepted, and the desire to take it upon ourselves to meet our own needs. (7th-12th Grade)

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Text Slide Graphic

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Social 4x5 Background Graphic

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Social Story Background Graphic

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Social Square Background Graphic

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Sermon Series Bumper

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